January 17, 2024


Seeds Toward A Future, Now: A Talk About 'The Labyrinth' Podcast with Lisa Carley

Hosted by

Joel David Lesses
Seeds Toward A Future, Now: A Talk About 'The Labyrinth' Podcast with Lisa Carley
Unraveling Religion
Seeds Toward A Future, Now: A Talk About 'The Labyrinth' Podcast with Lisa Carley

Jan 17 2024 | 00:06:31


Show Notes

This conversation with Lisa and Joel explores Lisa Carley's new podcast 'The Labyrinth' and its slogan 'Destination Unknown' and its relationship to the 'Unraveling Religion' podcast, whose own slogan 'What You Are Is More Than What You Want.' These two old friends share deep vision of hope and work toward a brighter future as they deconstruct meaning, mission, and purpose, and the mechanisms of what comprises the most vital aspects of life and relationship. In this brief discussion, Lisa and Joel outline the parallel journey of spirituality and curiousty that forms the basis of their timeless bond.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Welcome to this brief installment of unraveling religion. I'm your host, Joel Esses, and I'm here with my dearest friend, Lisa Carly, to introduce Lisa Carly's new podcast, the Labyrinth, whose slogan is destination unknown. Lisa, how are you today? [00:00:15] Speaker B: I am so honored to be with you, as always. I really feel that we need to be pushing ourselves into these more dynamic spaces, and I think that that really captures the essence of both my new podcast, the Labyrinth, and Joel's long standing podcast of unraveling religion. [00:00:35] Speaker A: Absolutely. And I know one of the things, Lisa, that we spoke about sort of in your show's mission statement, is sort of the purpose, meaning, and service regarding open terrain or topics of spirituality, psychology, motherhood, relationships, the arts, human potential, awareness, education, and science and technology as springboards to societal innovation and evolution. Right. [00:00:59] Speaker B: Well, I think one of the things that you and I talked about, I mean, sort of the slogan of destination unknown, it arose for both of us very spontaneously. Remember when we were talking about it and tossing some things around? And then I think you're the one that brought it up. You were like, hey, destination. And I was like, yeah, that's it. That's it. It was beautiful. And that often happens for us. That often happens in conversation for us, and oftentimes we don't even know who the hell said it. It just arises. [00:01:27] Speaker A: It doesn't matter. [00:01:28] Speaker B: It doesn't matter because we have such a shared, I think, ethos. The idea, I think, of destination unknown is that hold the bow steady and just let her rip. And much of my life has been very spontaneous, and I feel that things have aligned in a certain way for me to move in a certain direction, and I'm okay taking a couple of steps in that direction without seeing the end result. I think that's the spirit of the podcast, is to sort of allow ourselves to be okay with the not knowing. [00:02:06] Speaker A: And I was also thinking, Lisa, when you're talking about not knowing and the beginning of pure state of receptivity to things, that the not knowing is a receptive state to relate and respond. Our nature as love is really compassion, because there are other beings that are not awake or not awake, and not moving through the world with ethos and not moving through the world with care, because they don't understand the interconnected nature of all things. And so we talk about the state of not knowing and that as a state of receptivity. Why is that important? It's because the receptivity comes to us from realms higher that infuse us with wisdom and kindness and compassion and support and validation which support us on our journey to support others. For whatever reason, the universe has created this experience for human beings, for us to tend to one another, to care for one another. We are social beings. Fundamental, vital component of that human experience is the collective nature of human beings and our caring for one another. And so when I think of the labyrinth, destination unknown or unraveling religion, whose slogan is what you are is more than what you want to deconstruct, that becomes a very powerful not knowing how could it be that what we are is more than what we want? But if you deconstruct that, you see that fundamentally there's nothing you can add on to us that will enhance the quality of things so we can totally utilize things skillfully to benefit. Just the last thing I want to talk about with you, Lisa, is sort of what you see for the future collaborations of unraveling religion and the labyrinth. [00:03:51] Speaker B: Allowing something to emerge into the world that has its own purpose, its own meaning, its own identity, that really is its own. [00:04:04] Speaker A: It's got its own journey, meaning, mission and purpose, its own of itself. [00:04:10] Speaker B: I think that when I envision the idea of this podcast opening ourselves up as a sacred vessel, we're creating an open space where we acknowledge the fact that we are this beautiful holding space, whether that is in the form of a human being, an idea, an inspiration, a work of art, a new technological, scientific development. But in all of those things I think about, each of those things can be of service without even necessarily knowing what service I'm going to be called to do. But that's part of the responsiveness and receptivity, at least for myself, in the space of the Labyrinth podcast. [00:05:07] Speaker A: And just in closing, Lisa, is there anything that you want to summarize or say or add to round out sort of our collaboration? [00:05:16] Speaker B: I just want to express my heartfelt gratitude and for your encouragement, for me to also step out of my comfort zone, becoming a catalyst for other people to be attracted to what's happening. It becomes like a beacon. Ultimately, I think that that is what both of our podcasts are doing, our discussions with people are doing, is we are creating again some mysterious space, energetic space, where other people can feel drawn to that and become a part of that and open up their awareness as they begin to explore their own questions or have someone safe that they feel like they can share and explore many things that have been coming up for them that maybe they haven't had the opportunity to really talk about deeply. I hope that we can continue to create that space of invitation for others as well. Thank you, Joel. It's been an honor. And I'm looking forward to continued dialogue with you, my friend.

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