Podcast Cover

Unraveling Religion

These mystical and practical discussions are explorations of spirituality and its relation to religion and psychology, with questions always. Beyond a specific religion or spiritual practice; what do we share, what do we have in...more

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Latest Episodes

Exploring Virtue: Philosophic Discourse Through the Lens of Plato, Plotinus, and Bishop Butler

March 11, 2024

Exploring Virtue: Philosophic Discourse Through the Lens of Plato, Plotinus, and Bishop Butler

This episode asks the questions: How do we resolve life's Existential Delimma and paradox? What is 'Virtue?' Can 'Virtue' be taught?   Joel drops in...



The Labyrinth, A Trailer

February 07, 2024

The Labyrinth, A Trailer

In this trailer of The Labyrinth Podcast, Lisa Carley introduces the podcast's orgins, philosophy, topics, and terrain covered in curiosity of life and existence...



Seeds Toward A Future, Now: A Talk About 'The Labyrinth' Podcast with Lisa Carley

January 17, 2024

Seeds Toward A Future, Now: A Talk About 'The Labyrinth' Podcast with Lisa Carley

This conversation with Lisa and Joel explores Lisa Carley's new podcast 'The Labyrinth' and its slogan 'Destination Unknown' and its relationship to the 'Unraveling...



Part 1 As A Fly On The Wall: Eavesdropping On Human Musings, Existence, and 'Coming Home'

Episode 1

January 04, 2024

Part 1 As A Fly On The Wall: Eavesdropping On Human Musings, Existence, and 'Coming Home'

In Part 1 of this three part episode, Joel lassoed Rich Grego and Lisa Carley into a conversation recorded weaving threads through time and...



Part 2 As A Fly On The Wall: Eavesdropping On Human Musings, Existence, and 'Coming Home'

Episode 2

January 04, 2024

Part 2 As A Fly On The Wall: Eavesdropping On Human Musings, Existence, and 'Coming Home'

In Part 2, Lisa, Rich, and Joel explore knowing the 'why' and knowing the 'big picture' versus being in the flow of life. The...



Part 3 As A Fly On The Wall: Eavesdropping On Human Musings, Existence, and 'Coming Home'

Episode 3

January 04, 2024

Part 3 As A Fly On The Wall: Eavesdropping On Human Musings, Existence, and 'Coming Home'

In Part 3 Lisa, Rich, and Joel examine the secret to the existential delimma and how to resolve it. The answer, 'service.' Also, surfing...

